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Purple Choconut Smoothie
The Purple Choconut Smoothie Cocktail is a unique and flavorful drink that combines the vibrant purple hues of Ube Cream Liqueur with the rich chocolate and coconut flavors of Chocnut, fresh milk, cocojam, pandan syrup, and Ube Halaya. Here's how this delicious cocktail is crafted:
Ube Cream Liqueur
Fresh Milk
Coco jam
Pandan Syrup
Ube Halaya
Cocojam and Chocnut
Pilsner Glass
Stir and Strain
It is a combination of sweet, nutty, and tropical flavors of ube, coconut, and chocolate, often with a smooth and refreshing texture reminiscent of a traditional smoothie

Purple Choconut Smoothie
by: Kalel Demetrio

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